Live Puja Yagya

Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja


Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja


Mars is a planet that induces courage, self-confidence, boldness, stamina, determination, and prowess to fight against obstacles and misdeeds. When the good placement of Mars in the horoscope endows a native with physical and mental prowess, and happiness in the home, land, and property-related matters, the bad placement imposes various issues related to health, wealth, marriage, conjugal issues, and property as well. Thus, Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja is advised if a native is inflicted with negative Martian effects/placement.

Who Must Perform the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja? 

Mangal dosha occurs in a horoscope when a native has Mars in his 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in the horoscope. Even, the placement of Mars with Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or Sun is not considered auspicious. Such placement offers ill effects to a native in various forms. He/she suffers hard due to health issues, marriage, and family issues, problems in the profession/workplace due to uncontrolled anger issues, land or property disputes, legal issues, or divorce/separation if the native is married. Even, the native may undergo injuries/cuts due to accidents or surgeries. At this juncture, nullifying the negative Mars energy and influence seems very crucial and Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja shows the way to welcome positivity.

Benefits of Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja

Once the native conducts the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja, he/she will get rid of countless problems and welcome different positive results.

  • Peace and happiness in family, married life, and mental realm
  • Relieve from delayed marriage issues Relief from legal issues, enmity, land/property disputes, debts, and fulfilment of desires
  • Relieve from health-related issues and phobia of accident or untimely death
  • Regaining of self-confidence, courage, and stamina
  • Success in profession  and business
  • Protection from evil planets including Rahu, Saturn, and Ketu

Dates of Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja

Tuesday is considered good for performing the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja.

How to Book Online Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja? 

At, we conduct Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja following all the Vedic rituals and traditions. All our pandit jis are well-versed in Vedic shastra and scriptures. Hence, you are assured of having only the best puja experience once you book puja here. Join the puja physically or through the Live puja streaming facility; the choice is completely yours.

Consult with our pandit ji to decide the base date for this puja.


What Kind of Health Issues a Bad Mangal Offers? 

If Mars is weak or debilitated or it is in the 6th/8th/12th house in the horoscope, it can provide several health issues related to blood, anaemia, bone marrow, itching, bone, knee, genital issues for females, blood clotting, and lots more. Bad Mars can lead to abortion, piles, and accidents.

Which Deities Should Be Worshipped When a Person Has Mangal Dosha? 

Along with performing the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja, the native must worship Lord Shiva, Hanuman, and Lord Ganesha to appease Mars and get relief from the Mangal Dosha.

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