Mangal dosha occurs in life when Mars is placed in the Dustana (6th/8th/12th) houses in a horoscope. Also, the placement of Mars with Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and even the Sun is not considered good. Mars is anger and fire. When it sits with the wrong planet in the horoscope, it creates Mangal Dosha. Mangal dosha not only ruins married life but also creates issues related to health, property, legal matters, and problems with siblings and neighbours. If you have afflicted Mangal (Mangal is in 1st/4th/7th/8th/12th) in your chart, contact to conduct the Online Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja.
Who Must Perform Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja?
Mars is the karaka land, brother, and our health. However, the badly placed Mars in a horoscope creates problems like agitation, anger, conflict, fighting, land-related issues, and issues in married life. An afflicted Mars in the 1st/4th/7th/8th/12th house not only causes problems in married life but also can lead to divorce, separation, and 2nd marriage. This is also known as Manglik dosha. Along with issues or disturbances in married life, Manglik dosha creates hurdles in life regarding health, wealth, profession, property disputes, litigations, court cases, accidents, injuries, surgery, disputes in the family, and so on.
Thus, anyone (male/female), who is inflicted by the Mangal or Manglik dosha must perform the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja to get rid of the negative effects of Mars and retain peace and happiness in life.
Benefits of Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja
Certainly, Mangal dosh nivaran pooja benefits natives in many ways,
- Brings peace in life reducing negativity, uncontrolled rage, and stability in wealth
- Creates stability in personal and professional spheres
- Resolves problems for delayed marriage, and problems in marriage, and prevents divorce/separation
- Solves property-related issues and protects from negative effects of Saturn/Rahu/Ketu
- Provides relief from debts, enemies, legal cases, and litigations
- Fastens recovery from health issues and helps gain confidence and happiness back in life
Dates for Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja
Tuesday is considered good for performing the puja. However, to find suitable tithi based on your horoscope you can consult with an astrologer or a Pandit ji at
How to Do Online Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja?
You can conduct online Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja with all Vedic rituals mentioned in the scriptures by a qualified Pandit Ji at Once you book the puja, our Pandit ji will help you pick the right date according to your Janam Patrika. You can join the puja through live puja streaming or present at the puja place if you wish.
When Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha Occurs?
If Mangal or Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the Lagna or Moon, the Manglik dosha is formed.
Along with Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja Which God/Goddess Must Be Worshipped to Reduce Mangal Dosha?
Along with performing Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pooja, you must worship Lord Hanuman, Ganesha, or Shiva regularly to nullify the ill effects of Mangal Dosha.