Live Puja Yagya

Discover Why Should You Perform Satyanarayana Katha Paath with Puja?

Discover Why Should You Perform Satyanarayana Katha Paath with Puja?

Anyone and everyone can perform a simple Satyanarayana katha paath at home to incur blessings. Irrespective of the occasion, Satyanarayana puja is a must-do devotional and religious activity every Hindu family performs. Whether it is homecoming, beginning a new venture, buying a plot for a home or business, Janamdin, marriage, or prayer for a cure, Satyanarayna puja has major significance and spiritual benefits. The pleasing part is that you can also perform Satyanarayana pooja online through virtual puja platforms. Live Puja Yagya, the best online puja platform serves all sorts of online puja needs with all Vedic rituals and customs. 

We know that anyone irrespective of caste, creed, and gender can perform Satyanarayana puja if he/she believes in Lord Vishnu by heart and soul. However, in today’s post, we will discuss the significance of Satyanarayana Katha Paath and why we should do it.


Why We Should Do Satyanarayana Katha Paath With Puja?

You cannot relate to your God or Goddess until and unless you are well aware of his/her Mahima, the Greatness. Satyanarayana Katha Paath is the easiest way to establish a connection between God and Devotees. Through the path, you can learn when, why, and how the puja had started in ancient times, and how devotees started believing in Lord Narayana. It is said that your Satyanarayana puja remains incomplete if you do not listen to the Katha. 

Thus far, to reap the maximum benefits of Satyanarayana puja at home or on a virtual platform, arrange the Satyanarayan Katha Paath followed by Homam and Yagya. 


Importance & Benefits of Satyanarayana Katha Path

Skandha Purana, Reva Kaanda is the origin of Shri Satyanarayana Katha (in the form of narratives shared by Rishi Suta). It is believed that in Kaliyug, whoever listens to the Satyanarayana Katha will bear the best fruit. Because Lord Narayana, one of the deities among the Trinity is the protector of the universe and he nurtures us. When we can feel him within us, we navigate our lives better with good thoughts, deeds, and positivity in mind. This is why, spiritual Gurus and educated Priests and Astrologers advise listening to the Satyanarayana Katha to feel and understand that Vishnu is omnipotent and is everywhere and in everything. 

Let us have a quick look at the benefits of listening to Satyanarayana Katha, 

  • The Katha connects devotees to Lord Narayan. The Katha purifies our mind and soul. 
  • Devotees who keep fast, listen to the Katha to the end and break the fast with the prasadam get relief from the cycle of birth and death, and attain Mokha (the ultimate Salvation)
  • In present birth, whoever performs the Shri Satyanarayana Puja with Katha with a Brahmin, participates in the puja with the entire family, and completes all the rites with pure devotion and faith, he/she gets rid of all sorts of sufferings and pain by the grace of Lord Vishnu, Satyanarayana.  
  • The Katha makes devotees understand the right way to live life to put an end to the endless suffering. It is also said that in Kaliyug, people can understand the ultimate truth of life and death if they listen to the Katha carefully. 



Shri Satyanarayana Katha makes us realize that promises must be kept. Whether you commit to God or others, you should not forget it. Failure to fulfill a promise is considered a sin and is never forgiven. So, if you have vowed to do Shri Satyanarayan Puja and Katha Paath after fulfilling your wish, do it without missing it. Live Puja Yagya helps you complete your Sankalp in performing the Satyanarayana pooja online by following all rituals under the governance of experienced and certified priests. Satisfaction is assured.