Graha Shanti Pooja and Yayga are performed to appease Nine planets or Nava Graha in the Vedic Astrology. The puja and yagya remove obstacles, negative energies, struggles, and failures that are imposed due to the bad planets. This ritual increases positive energy, opens up doors of opportunities, and ensures proper balance and stability. Contact today to conduct Graha Shanti Pooja Yagya at your convenience.
Who Must Perform the Graha Shanti Puja and Yagya?
Natives who are suffering from prolonged illness, financial losses, and conflicts among family members, facing hardship in their career or job, unwanted delays in marriage or problems in married life, problems having a child, or suffering abruptly due to enemies must perform the Nava Graha Shanti puja yagya. The puja and yagya eliminate problems and provide positive energy.
Benefits of Graha Shanti Puja Yagya
Graha Shanti Pooja Yagya bestows natives with various positive outcomes including
- Freedom from ailment, mental ambiguity, stress, and negativity
- Progress in profession, job, and business
- Removal of obstacles from education, delays from work and reaching goals, and getting married or having a child
- Drive away financial aches, and struggles, and assure positivity in life
- Peace, harmony, and happiness in the family and married life
- Provides shields from evil energy, conspiracy, enemies, accidents, and untimely death
- Ensures achievement in life with fulfilment of desires
Dates of Graha Shanti Pooja and Yagya
The puja and yagya can be performed around the year. To find the best Graha Shanti pooja yagya date and muhurat according to your Kundali, please contact Pandit Ji at Livepujayagya. Please contact us if you want to perform the puja and yagya at your home.
How to Do Graha Shanti Pooja Yagya?
You can perform the pooja and yagya online by contacting While you perform the puja online, you can participate in the puja and yagya through the Live puja streaming. If you want to perform the pooja and yagya at your place, please contact us directly.
People Also Ask
Why Is Graha Shanti Pooja Yagya Performed?
Graha Shanti Pooja and Yagya are performed to appease benefic planets and reduce the negative effects of malefic planets. The puja and yagya bestow natives with positive outcomes and pave the way to success, happiness, and peace.
What is the Main Purpose of Graha Shanti Yagya Pooja?
The Graha Shanti Yagya pooja purifies the space where the yagya is performed. The stora and mantra chanted during the Yagya and pooja generate positivity and create harmony among the members of the family and the environmental elements of the place.