Rishi Panchami Puja is one of the most auspicious events the Hindu celebrates each year with the same devotion and dedication. This Rishi Panchami puja falls on the 5th lunar day of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapada, just after the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. According to the Gregorian calendar, the date falls between August and September. The Rishi Panchami Puja is widely known as Saptrishi Panchami and it is observed along with a whole day of fasting. The puja is performed to seek blessings from Saptarishi (Ancient Seven Sages) named Kashyapa, Atri, Bharadwaja, Vishvamitra, Gautama Maharishi, Jamadagni, and Vashistha who contributed abundantly to the well-being of the society and humility.
Who Should Observe the Rishi Panchami Puja and Fast?
There is no hard and fast rule or restriction when performing puja or fast. However, individuals trying to overcome struggles, health issues, and sins from their past and present lives, from the sins committed unknowingly, and wishing for good luck should perform this Rishi Panchami puja and fast. Especially, women affected by Rajaswala Dosha should perform the puja and vrat to get freed from their sins.
According to Hindu scriptures, women are restricted from entering temples, and kitchens, touching any auspicious/religious items, or performing any household chore during menstruation. But, if any woman violates this rule she becomes the sinner and they should observe the fast and perform puja to get rid of this sin.
How to Perform Online Rishi Panchami Puja?
Once you choose Live Puja Yagya to conduct your Rishi Panchami Puja online, you will be in safe hands. The puja ritual will start by worshipping Lord Ganesha, then the Navgraha Puja, and the exclusive Rishi Panchami with all Vedic rituals and norms. You will be part of the puja through Live Puja Streaming and experience all the rituals from your home.
Rishi Panchami Puja Date
The puja is observed by devotees on the 5th day of Shukla paksha in Bhadrapada month, the next day of Ganesh Chaturthi (2 days after Hartalika Teej). Upcoming dates of this puja
- 8th September 2024, Sunday
- 28th August 2025, Thursday
- 15th September 2026, Tuesday
Benefits of Observing the Rishi Panchami Puja
- The main aim of performing this puja is to get freed from the sins committed intentionally or unintentionally.
- The puja helps women remove or nullify the Rajaswala Dosha and incur the blessings of Sapata Rishi to lead a happy, harmonious, and healthy life.
- Men who observe the puja are bestowed with the blessing of 7 Rishis and receive a boon for a healthy and long life with fortune and favor of divinity.
- What Kind of Food Should Be Eaten to Break the Rishi Panchami Puja Fast?
Devotees must eat Sattvik food. It is said to have only the vegetables that are grown underground like potatoes, yam, colocasia root, sweet potato, raw banana, and grouds. Grains are prohibited to eat.
- What is the Best Thing for Women to Make on this Pious Day?
Women who keep the Rishi Panchami fasting should donate necessary things to the Brahmins on this day after their puja and fasting. This act doubles the puja benefits and reduces sins faster.