Live Puja Yagya

Discover All the Customs & Rituals of the Hindu Holy Occasion - Akshay Tritiya

Discover All the Customs and Rituals of the Hindu Holy Occasion – Akshay Tritiya

Akshay Tritiya is a very special occasion for Hindus. No matter whether you live in India or abroad, with global online puja platforms like Live Puja Yagya, you can arrange and perform Akshay Tritiya puja online. It is believed that Akshay Tritiya is an auspicious day to start any new project in a personal and professional context. Today, we will know the customs and rituals associated with Akshay Tritiya. So, without further ado, let us delve into a discussion of how we should perform on Akshay Tritiya.


Explore the Customs and Rituals of Akshay Tritiya


Hindus perform Akshay with full grace and glee every year. There is a set of rituals and customs that should be followed if anyone is opting for the puja online or at home. Let us explore the customs that mark the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya for every one of us. 


  1. Puja of Special Deities: Akin to other pujas in Hinduism, Akshay Tritiya puja also starts with worshipping Lord Ganesha. Following the Ganesha puja, devotees perform the puja of Mata Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Kuber. When Mata Lakshmi and Kuber are worshipped for wealth and prosperity, Ganesha is worshipped for knowledge and success, and Lord Vishnu is worshipped to establish Dharma and righteousness. All the deities are offered specific puja offerings including flowers, sweets, lamps, incense, Akshat, and other necessary things. 


  1. Mantra Paath and Yagya: Pandit jis perform homam or Yagya with mantra chanting and paath to invoke the blessings of god and goddess during the puja. Devotees who perform Akshay Tritiya puja online can participate in the Yagya and mantra paath with a live telecast of the puja and offer their homage. Recordings of the puja and photos are sent to the doorstep of devotees after completion of the puja within a week through the online puja portal authority with Prasadam and Akshat. 


  1. Buying Gold: Yes, it is highly recommended to buy Gold on this day. Gold is marked as a sign of prosperity and luck. Gold manifests Jupiter and Jupiter is associated with Lord Vishnu. You can also buy silver, brass, copper, or other valuables in place of gold. If money is not a matter, shop for gold jewelry and gifts for your family as well. 


  1. Tree Planting: You might frowning. But, you should indeed plant a tree on this auspicious day. Planting trees is considered very good on the occasion of Akshay Tritiya as it is considered an omen to show gratitude to Mother Nature. Plant as much as possible tree and experience the change in life and the world. 


  1. Do Charity: Yes, you should make donations on this day. No matter what you have and what you can, you must donate. It is not that you must donate a huge. Do it according to your capacity. You can donate food, sweets, juices, and clothes, and distribute water, medicine, and other day-to-day necessary things to people who are needy and destitute.   


  1. Sow Seeds: If you have no access to saplings, you can also sow seeds on this day. Farmers sow seeds on this day to show gratitude to Mother Earth. 


Live Puja Yagya – Best Online Platform to Book Puja


If you are living abroad or you have a lack of space to arrange and perform Akshay Tritiya puja at your place, contact Live Puja Yagya. You can easily book a slot for Akshay Tritiya puja online here. You are assured of having an amazing experience of puja here right from your home.